Power of Habits


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‘Behind positive change lies good habits.’Unknown.

It is possible for our lives to turn around for the better. Sometimes, all it takes is a change in our routines. If we become determined to develop good habits- habits that help us achieve our vision- then we will be that much closer to achieving success.

Our issue is that we are uncomfortable with change. We would rather hold on to the bad habits that we are familiar with, than change them if that change comes with discomfort. For this reason, we make excuses for not breaking through the barriers between us and our goals. We blame just about everybody else, except ourselves, for our complacency in routines that have no benefit to us.

Real change comes when we are intentional about checking our habits in order to change the ones that no longer serve us in our journey.

Habits matter.

We are creatures of habit because they give routine to our lives. We desire the comfort that comes from being able to predict how our day will go. Routines give us control over our activities.

Common habits include getting up at a certain time in the morning and exercising or meditating, following a work plan, and going to bed after a certain routine. They also include scheduled weekly dates or hangout sessions with friends. 

What we do consistently develops into a habit and our habits develop into a routine. If you allow yourself to sleep late, eat unhealthy meals and spend all day watching online videos or shows on Netflix, it can develop into a habit you will have difficulty shaking off. Such activities may hinder any progress you want to make in achieving your personal and professional goals. You cannot expect to be promoted at work when you constantly come in late or fail to deliver reports on time. Neither can you expect to have a healthy lifestyle when you ply yourself with unhealthy food and do not exercise regularly after the fact.

Your habits determine how far you will go in life. The more you become a couch potato or slack off from doing the hard work, the fewer chances you have of becoming a successful member of society. It is all in what you choose to make a habit of.

The transformative power of good habits.

‘Successful people do not just drift off to the top. Getting there requires focused action, personal discipline and lots of energy every day to make things happen.’Jack Canfield.

There is nothing as satisfying as reaching a significant milestone in your journey. We see this with athletes and artists. Winning feels good and everybody desires to experience that feeling of being successful at something.

If you want to guarantee success, or at least have a chance at attaining it, you must rid yourself of certain habits. This requires effecting and embracing change. You might enjoy the comfort of things as they are, but life is dynamic. Nothing ever remains the same.

To manage the effects of change, sometimes you have to author it. It gives you control over your response to change. You can better control your reaction to change and the way change affects you if you introduce certain changes to your own life.

To avoid being dispensable at work, you may need to take on certain roles that endear you to your superiors. You might even need some online courses to upskill. The same applies to an athlete in a team set-up. To avoid being traded because of incompetence, you may need to change the way you play or train harder to make you more effective. All this requires changes that are necessary even though they may not always be comfortable.

 If you want to experience actual change, you need to look at your habits and daily routines and see if they are still serving you. When you reflect on that and realize that there is a need to change those habits, the next logical step would be to list the habits that can help you achieve your goals. Start small. Choose simple habits that do not upset your routine completely. Introduce gradual changes that are manageable and less strenuous. Guaranteed if you do this consistently, you will see significant changes in your life.

Daily habits that can change your life significantly.

If you want to be more productive, you need to introduce daily habits that improve your efficiency and effectiveness such as:

Developing a morning routine.

Most people find they are more productive in the mornings. This is because there are fewer distractions and disruptions to the day then. Some successful people have a morning routine that helps them focus more on the tasks at hand.

Start the day with affirmations, meditation, or exercise. It ensures that the day starts on a high. Wake up earlier than usual and do what best helps you focus on what you need to achieve. The more you are consistent with these activities, the more they develop into good habits.


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