Power of Giving


Courses Included


‘Making A Difference’

One of the most empowering actions that one can do in their life is to be more giving. In fact, a simple act of giving to someone else could mean a world to the person at the receiving end.

The form of giving does not always have to be in monetary value, but also can be in the form of time, knowledge, a smile, or even some simple words of encouragement.

When one gives, not only does the person help the recipient and themselves feel better, they are triggering the effects of the Law of Reciprocity where you might get a return back to you in a positive manner. In short, the more you give, the more you will receive.

However, most people living amongst us are selfish.

In fact, the PEW Research Center released an article that paints a clear picture of how Americans typically view the people around them.

A shocking amount of people, 68% to be exact things that a typical American is Selfish!

That’s more than two-thirds of the people in the USA that are not giving and think only of their own benefits most of the times.

And to make things even more alarming… it seems that ‘wealth’ does not help a person to be more giving… but in actual fact, it may cause a person to be even stingier.

Take this chart released by the World Economic Forum for example. It shows just how sad this world we are currently living in, where people who actually have the money to give are not being generous at all.

The worse part of it all is that it would seem like the people who give the most are the people who are earning the least. Perhaps, these people that are suffering and living in poverty are those who understand the pain of others the most, which explains why they are willing to help others in order to cope in a tough life.

Let’s not forget that these are only the stats we see from the USA. Think that these that’s sound disturbing… think again. Imagine how many people are affected by stinginess and selfishness around the entire globe!


  • 1)Generosity Is The Keystone To Leadership
  • 2)How To Develop An Attitude Of Giving
  • 3)Strengthen Social Relations Through Giving
  • 4)You Cannot Pour From An Empty Cup
  • 5)Giving Mistakes You Must Avoid

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