

Courses Included


This training course will provide you with all the tools you need to devise a nutritional plan tailored to your needs and preferences.
After completing this course, you will be familiar with the basic principles of nutritional science, in accordance with its most recent developments. You will know all about the various food groups and their distinctions, and about the vital nutrients they hold.
You will also learn many practical applications of this theoretical knowledge. You know all you need to prepare the tastiest, most nutritious meals. And you have the basic know-how to identify health complaints that a change of diet can alleviate or even cure.

Benefits of this course:

  • Learn what to buy and what to avoid
  • Decrease various health risks and increase your life expectancy
  • Valuable information presented clearly, accessibly, professionally, and independently
  • All of the knowledge and experience of various experts, at a fraction of the usual costs
  • Incorporates the latest scientific findings, but with a highly practical cast
  • All materials available in both English and Dutch
  • Purchase online, no hassle
  • Course includes many related course materials as a bonus



Take an online exame and get your certificate now!

Nutrition Losing Weight Certificate - European Health Foundation
Nutrition Losing Weight Certificate – European Health Foundation
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