Do you want to discover your true learning potential that is far beyond what you ever imagined?
Use this course to see how a new definition of learning will give you the ability to have fun learning any skill you want to and show you how you can become world class at anything you love to do!
If you take this course now, you can count on these three results in just a few hours!
Add new excitement and positive energy into all the new skills you are learning now!
Find and stop all your bad learning habits while replacing them with new positive learning patterns that will make anything you want to learn easy and effortless!
Use the simple formula of loving what you are learning, and time spent actually doing it to completely learn anything you want to in just a few hours each day!
Act on your feelings of love, hope, and faith to enroll in this course now!
Course Curriculum
- You have more potential than you ever imagined! Let’s get started finding it!
- You will not believe what this course helps you discover about yourself!
- What is learning? Learning redefined as I understand it and as you experience it
- If you want to learn anything all you have to do is do it It is that simple
- What you love to do times how much you do it equals rapid and fun learning.
- Redefining learning is the key to unlocking your superhuman learning skills!
- Learning is what happens now when I am humble and live with an open mind.
- Learning is what does not happen when I think I already know.
- The difference between how we are in the habit of learning and what works best
- The best learning happens above conscious thinking.
- You keep learning or your die. I try to learn something new every day.
- The intelligence that controls your breathing has immense power
- Get to know your brain as a powerful learning tool that has limitations
- Brain training games at Lumosity helped me understand my brain better.
- Multitasking brain training game proves your brain likes one thing at a time!
- Memory training example – memory comes from practice and trust
- If you want to be great at anything, you must move faster than thought!
- How do you learn through your entire being rather than your mind? Practice!
- Resistance is the main reason you have not been able to learn in your life
- Absolutely nothing beats loving what you are doing and doing it repeatedly
- Accepting that you need help will encourage you to learn what you need
- A silent mind makes a great student
- Why are there so few traffic accidents Most people are very good drivers
- Breaking bad learning habits will help eliminate resistance to natural learning
- If you think you cannot learn something you probably are right
- What you think of other people is what you think of yourself
- Memorizing, cramming, and copying will not help you learn.
- If you do not want to learn something, why try at all?
- Standardized tests give no real idea of your true learning potential
- Turn the TV off, silence your phone, and close your music player
- Breaking the habit of guessing or faking that you know something
- Add these new learning habits in place of the old ones to unlock your genius!
- Every single moment is an opportunity to learn something
- Love and experience produce talent, ability, and skills
- Knowing a little bit about everything is much more powerful than specialisation
- Accepting your limitations will free you from feeling like a fraud
- Learn to see the similarities in life and you will find you already know a lot!
- Trust and verify what anyone else says works, including what I say.
- You can only learn today because you forget yesterday and never get to tomorrow
- The best learning comes from being wrong, from failing, and from mistakes
- Figure out when you are wrong as soon as possible
- Everything you are doing in your life impacts your learning
- You can pick anything you want to learn now and learn it!
- What have you always wanted to learn? Get started on it now!
- The difference between thinking you want to learn and really wanting to
- If you want to be world class, you just need to spend 10,000 hours doing it!
- What can you do to be of greatest service to others?
- Inspirational courses and books help. Nothing beats doing it yourself!
- For every minute I spend learning from others, I spend 10 minutes doing
- What will you learn now? How do you feel about yourself?