The Daily Affirmation Handbook
The Daily Affirmation Handbook

Best-selling author and radio host, Earl Nightingale stated in his book The Strangest Secret that you are what you think.

He believed that if you only feed your mind with negative thoughts that you will ultimately experience your life through a dark lens and if you only think negative thoughts and have negative beliefs, you will solely focus your mind on all the problems in your life rather than the opportunities before you.

With the help of positive affirmations, anyone can improve their mindset and start manifesting their desires and being living a life they’ve always dreamed of.

They are an incredibly powerful tool that you can use to change the way you think and gain many  benefits.

This video course will help you increase your understanding and awareness of self-love, respect, confidence, and appreciation.

Topics covered:

  • 3 Tips to Keep in Mind When Writing Your Affirmations
  • 3 Ways You Can Use Affirmations in Your Life
  • 4 Reasons Why Your Affirmations May Not Be Working
  • 5 Things You Need to Do to Make Affirmations Work for You
  • How to Change Your Life with Affirmations
  • How to Effectively Use Affirmations
  • How to Rewire Your Brain with Affirmations
  • The 3 Biggest Words to Avoid Using in Your Affirmations
  • Top 5 Reasons Why you Should Use Positive Affirmations
  • Top Tips for Working with Daily Affirmations

Thanks to the media and the constant flow of information on social media, as well as our limiting beliefs most people today have a negative mindset that is keeping them from manifesting their desires and living the life of their dreams.

With the help of positive affirmations, anyone can improve their mindset and start manifesting their desires and being living a life they’ve always dreamed of.

If you’re like many people, you may be unsure of how to get started with incorporating daily positive affirmations into your life.

This comprehensive handbook provides you with 365 powerful manifestations to help you manifest your desires and live the life of your dreams.

You will learn:

  • What positive affirmations are and how they work to manifest your desires.
  • Why you should use affirmations every day to attract what you most desire into your life.
  • How to make affirmations work for you and what you need to do to ensure they are effective.
  • Powerful affirmations for attracting better health.
  • Effective positive affirmations for attracting wealth.
  • Obtain a list of affirmations for attracting happiness into your life.
  • How to attract success in your life with powerful affirmations
  • How positive affirmations affect your subconscious mind and how it will ultimately build a positive and optimistic mental attitude.
  • Transform your negative mindset to one that is positive and gain the strength and courage to believe in yourself and follow your dreams.
  • Dramatically change your life for the better and build a positive, feel-good frame of mind.
  • Gain a way to effectively battle negative thoughts that keep you from accomplishing your dreams.
  • Change your negative self-talk into positive self-talk and watch as more doors open for you to accomplish amazing things in your life.
  • Perform better academically, athletically, and at work.
  • Enjoy a lower level of stress every day.
  • How to incorporate creative visualization techniques to make your positive affirmations more powerful and manifest your desires in less time.

Course 2

Achieve Your Dreams By Declairing to Yourself that You Already Have It!Affirmations and positive thinking work by drawing in energy and focusing it with the subconscious to bring about change.I strongly think this and we have limitless power to alter the world around us, to produce the life we wish, to draw toward us positive and advantageous events, experiences and individuals.

Similarly, we may also draw toward us damaging destructive events, experiences and individuals. This is the basis of the Law of Attraction.

Inside this product package, you are about to learn how to reach your dreams using the following information:

  • Fame and Fortune Affirmations
  • Leadership Affirmations
  • Spiritual Affirmations
  • Self-Help Affirmations
  • Financial and Wealth Affirmations

Course 3: 11 videos

Affirmations are positive statements that describe a sought after situation, and which are repeated numerous times, in order to impress the subconscious and trigger it into favorable action. In order to guarantee the effectiveness of the affirmations, they have to be repeated with attention, strong belief, interest and desire. Most individuals repeat in their minds damaging words and statements concerning the situations and events in their lives, and therefore, produce undesirable situations. Words and statements work at both ways, to construct or destroy. It’s the way we utilize them that determines whether they’re going to bring great or adverse results.

Often, individuals repeat negative statements in their minds, without even being aware of what they’re doing. Do you keep thinking and telling yourself that you can’t manage something, you’re too lazy, lack inner strength, or that you’re going to fail? Your subconscious accepts as true what you keep stating, and eventually draws in corresponding events and situations into your life, irrespective whether they’re good or bad for you, so why not select only positive statements?

Affirmations program the brain in the same way commands and scripts program a computer. They work in the same manner as creative visualization. The repeated words help you center your mind on your aim, and automatically build matching mental images in the conscious mind, which affect the subconscious. The conscious mind, the mind you think with, begins this process, and then the subconscious takes control. By utilizing this process consciously and intently, you can affect your subconscious and thereby transform your habits, behavior, attitude and reactions, and even remold your external life.

Occasionally results appear quickly, but often more time is required. Depending upon your goal, sometimes you may attain immediate results, and sometimes it may take days, weeks, months or more. Getting results depends on several factors, such the time, focus, faith and feelings you invest in repeating your affirmations, on the intensity of your desire, and on how big or small is your goal.


It’s crucial to understand that repeating positive affirmations for a few minutes, and then thinking negatively the rest of the day, neutralizes the effects of the favorable words. You have to refuse to think damaging thoughts, if you wish to achieve positive results.




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