Duration 10 hours
Course curriculum
- Welcome to my unforgettably honest autobiographical experience!
- Welcome to Speaker Meeting 2017!
- What motivated me to make this class?
- How am I living now?
- Into and out of the darkness
- My Journey in Establishing a Healthy Sex Life
- My challenges with my body and sex.
- Alcoholism.
- My name is Jerry Banfield and I am an alcoholic.
- The insanity of the first drink.
- My choice to go to Alcoholics Anonymous or die a drunk
- Wrecking my car drunk is good for one week sober
- 3 months sober and back drinking again.
- I hoped meeting my wife would fix my alcoholism.
- Gambling Addiction and Recovery!
- Being cheap while learning how to gamble!
- I thought I could just quit gambling and my money problems would be fixed.
- Video games.
- I started a business to help with video game addiction and then switched it to gaming!
- Food.
- Introduction to my journey with being fat and compulsive eating.
- My eating started bad and got worse at college
- How I lost 20 pounds in 10 months and put it back on in 2
- Losing weight with MyFitnessPal and counting calories
- My magical experience at Detroit Metro airport.
- How I eat now has unbelievable health benefits!
- Emotions.
- WELCOME to my journey in EMOTIONS
- Crying helps immensely for processing challenging emotions.
- I try to feel all my feelings today.
- Life is full of mostly good emotions which are easily missed.
- How do I process my emotions today?
- Recovery.
- WELCOME to my journey in RECOVERY!
- Going to Alcoholics Anonymous
- Wait for the pop!
- After my fifth step confession.
- Is the whole world in recovery?
Course Curriculum
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